Monday, September 26, 2005

jeanette went to a wedding this weekend and i loved the pictures. here's jeanette with her host sister Posted by Picasa

jeanette's host family Posted by Picasa

the groom's younger sister Posted by Picasa

a view from the hillside Posted by Picasa

the township - 'Umlozi' Posted by Picasa

the bride arriving Posted by Picasa

the women sing to welcome the bride Posted by Picasa

the guys across the street wanted their picture taken Posted by Picasa

ladies waiting Posted by Picasa

wedding hustle and bustle Posted by Picasa

jeanette's mother (left) and father Posted by Picasa

the women sing to say thank you for the gifts from the bride's family Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

this is the village where we ended our hiking / kayaking journey. it's striking how parts of south africa can remind you of london, others of the grand canyon, and still others of the most rural parts of the world. Posted by Picasa

when i was little my parents would feed me lemons at restaurants because they thought my faces were funny Posted by Picasa

i wanted to climb those rocks Posted by Picasa

check out the scenery. Posted by Picasa

this is the back of jeanette's head Posted by Picasa

we are really tough Posted by Picasa

Kayaking in a river near the beach (above). The community that had lived there has begun to give tours as a source of income / to raise awareness of their situation . . . hopefully they can avoid the externalities that come with a tourist industry Posted by Picasa

Jeanette's host siblings. They tutor her in Zulu Posted by Picasa

Our group walking along the beach. The beach and the land around it was seized by the apartheid government for development by a casino and has yet to returned to the community had lived there. Posted by Picasa

Jeanette being thoughtful Posted by Picasa

I relieved myself from this view Posted by Picasa

A village that we hiked through Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 16, 2005

jeanette looking slightly skeptical outside of johannesburg Posted by Picasa